Saturday, January 7, 2017

Welcome 2017

Assalamualaikum and hi..

I hope its not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year even today 8th January already hahaha..
2016 flies so real fast.But surely, i know i have learnt a lot. A lot of good and bad things happened. Im not a person that likes to look back not that i dont look back but i will do that only once,just to learn from my mistakes,what can i do better and look forward to the future.

I dont have any new year resolution well probably because not feeling excited about it hahaha or maybe want to lose weight is cliche 😂😂😂

But anyway,im sorry im sincerely apologise to every one of a human who knows me.Im sorry if i made any of u dissapointed or mad at me.Im just hoping for a better future in 2017.Better self,better world.I pray that we're going to be able to do reflections and help ourselves to be better.InshaAllah to a better year 💜