Sunday, June 4, 2017


Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal..tahun bersilih ganti(it has been 2 years when i was dumb to the lowest point jatuh tergolek2 luka parah masuk ICU lol😂..time flies)
I am thankful for all the blessings that Allah have granted me..loving and supportive family/friends..alhamdulillah ya Allah terlalu byk nikmat yg Allah kurniakan..2017 being sooo nice to me so far alhamdulillah..always percaya Allah xkan jadikan sesuatu tu sia2..mesti ada hikmah n manisnya nanti..InshaAllah..
there are things that Allah doesn't give us yet bcoz it's not yet our time n we dont have to own everything other people have..ada benda baik utk org tapi tidak utk kita and vice versa..
ada benda yg mmg baik utk kita di depan mata tapi kita mungkin tidak nampak but Allah knows..
There are so many ways Allah has saved us,made us a better person and granted us rezq n became the reason of our dont look back and keep going ❤️😍